history historical past time present historians historian future modern events period histories century human historiography temporal study change historicism

0.23 Hayden White, Interpretation in History, New Literary History, 1973.
0.22 Allan Megill, Coherence and Incoherence in Historical Studies: From the "Annales" School to the New Cultural History, New Literary History, 2004.
0.22 Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Peter Heath, History of Literature Fragment of a Vanished Totality?, New Literary History, 1985.
0.22 Michael S. Roth, Introduction, New Literary History, 1990.
0.22 Arif Dirlik, Postmodernism and Chinese History, boundary 2, 2001.
0.20 Robert Weimann, Past Significance and Present Meaning in Literary History, New Literary History, 1969.
0.20 Carl E. Schorske, History and the Study of Culture, New Literary History, 1990.
0.19 Harry Harootunian, Remembering the Historical Present, Critical Inquiry, 2007.
0.19 Claus Uhlig, Literature as Textual Palingenesis: On Some Principles of Literary History, New Literary History, 1985.
0.19 Terry Cochran, History and the Collapse of Eternity, boundary 2, 1995.
0.18 Linda Orr, The Revenge of Literature: A History of History, New Literary History, 1986.
0.17 Hayden White, The Politics of Historical Interpretation: Discipline and De-Sublimation, Critical Inquiry, 1982.
0.16 Haskell Fain, Some Comments on Stern's "Narrative versus Description in Historiography", New Literary History, 1990.
0.16 Jurij Striedter, Poetic Genre and the Sense of History in Pushkin, New Literary History, 1977.
0.16 Sanjay Seth, Reason or Reasoning? Clio or Siva?, Social Text, 2004.
0.16 Robert Dawidoff, History but, New Literary History, 1990.
0.16 Hayden White, Reflections on "Gendre" in the Discourses of History, New Literary History, 2009.
0.16 Marco Portales, Writing History: Subjective Authoritativeness, New Literary History, 1987.
0.16 Mario J. Valdés, From Criticism to History: A Reply, New Literary History, 1981.
0.15 Jonathan Rée, The Vanity of Historicism, New Literary History, 1991.
0.15 Hayden White, Historical Pluralism, Critical Inquiry, 1986.
0.15 David Carroll, Response: On Tropology: The Forms of History, Diacritics, 1976.
0.15 Erwin Panofsky, Reflections on Historical Time, Critical Inquiry, 2004.
0.15 Timothy Bahti, Fate in the past: Peter Szondi's Reading of German Romantic Genre Theory, boundary 2, 1983.
0.15 Martin Jay, Historical Explanation and the Event: Reflections on the Limits of Contextualization, New Literary History, 2011.
0.14 Rudolf A. Makkreel, Traditional Historicism Contemporary Interpretations of Historicity and the History of Philosophy, New Literary History, 1990.
0.14 Paul Hernadi, Clio's Cousins: Historiography as Translation Fiction and Criticism, New Literary History, 1976.
0.14 Hayden White, The Problem of Change in Literary History, New Literary History, 1975.
0.14 Jenaro Talens Santos Zunzunegui, Toward a "True" History of Cinema: Film History as Narration, boundary 2, 1997.
0.14 Hayden White, Commentary: "With No Particular Place to Go": Literary History in the Age of the Global Picture, New Literary History, 2008.
0.14 David Lodge, Historicism and Literary History: Mapping the Modern Period, New Literary History, 1979.
0.14 Robert Nisbet, Genealogy Growth and Other Metaphors, New Literary History, 1970.
0.14 Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Shall We Continue to Write Histories of Literature?, New Literary History, 2008.
0.14 Donald Preziosi, The Question of Art History, Critical Inquiry, 1992.
0.14 Carlo Ginzburg, Checking the Evidence: The Judge and the Historian, Critical Inquiry, 1991.
0.14 Lionel Gossman, History as Decipherment: Romantic Historiography and the Discovery of the Other, New Literary History, 1986.
0.13 Jean Starobinski Bruno Braunrot, The Meaning of Literary History, New Literary History, 1975.
0.13 David Perkins, Discursive Form versus the Past in Literary History, New Literary History, 1991.
0.13 F. E. Sparshott, Notes on the Articulation of Time, New Literary History, 1970.
0.13 Neville Morley, Decadence as a Theory of History, New Literary History, 2004.
0.13 Lawrence Lipking, Periods in the Arts: Sketches and Speculations, New Literary History, 1970.
0.13 George Kubler, Period Style and Meaning in Ancient American Art, New Literary History, 1970.
0.13 Leon J. Goldstein, Literary History as History, New Literary History, 1977.
0.13 Walter L. Reed, Commentary, New Literary History, 1985.
0.12 Forest Pyle, Demands of History: Narrative Crisis in "Jude the Obscure", New Literary History, 1995.
0.12 D. W. Robertson_ Jr., Some Observations on Method in Literary Studies, New Literary History, 1969.
0.12 Dipesh Chakrabarty, The Climate of History: Four Theses, Critical Inquiry, 2009.
0.12 Paul Hernadi, Linnaeus before Darwin: Response to Fredric Jameson, New Literary History, 1981.
0.12 Matthew Potolsky, Introduction, New Literary History, 2004.
0.12 Fredric Jameson, Marxism and Historicism, New Literary History, 1979.
0.12 Brian Stock, Literary Discourse and the Social Historian, New Literary History, 1977.
0.12 Maureen N. McLane, The Figure Minstrelsy Makes: Poetry and Historicity, Critical Inquiry, 2003.
0.12 Zachary Sayre Schiffman, Historicizing History/Contextualizing Context, New Literary History, 2011.
0.12 Mark Salber Phillips, Histories Micro- and Literary: Problems of Genre and Distance, New Literary History, 2003.
0.12 Jon Whitman, From the Textual to the Temporal: Early Christian "Allegory" and Early Romantic "Symbol", New Literary History, 1991.
0.12 S. D. Chrostowska, Stanisław Brzozowski Philosopher of History Myth and Will, New Literary History, 2005.
0.12 Laurent Stern, Narrative versus Description in Historiography, New Literary History, 1990.
0.12 Thomas Bredsdorff, Lovejoy's Idea of "Idea", New Literary History, 1977.
0.11 David Sidorsky, The Historical Novel as the Denial of History: From "Nestor" via the "Vico Road" to the Commodius Vicus of Recirculation, New Literary History, 2001.
0.11 David Boucher R. G. Collingwood Michael Oakeshott, Human Conduct History and Social Science in the Works of R G Collingwood and Michael Oakeshott, New Literary History, 1993.
0.11 Lillian S. Robinson, Sometimes Always Never: Their Women's History and Ours, New Literary History, 1990.
0.11 Hayden White, The Value of Narrativity in the Representation of Reality, Critical Inquiry, 1980.
0.11 Eric Hayot, Against Periodization; or On Institutional Time, New Literary History, 2011.
0.11 Donald J. Gray Paul Strohm, Literary History at Indiana, New Literary History, 1972.
0.11 Jonathan Gil Harris, Four Exoskeletons and No Funeral, New Literary History, 2011.
0.11 Jan Brandt Corstius, Literary History and the Study of Literature, New Literary History, 1970.
0.11 Meyer Schapiro H. W. Janson E. H. Gombrich, Criteria of Periodization in the History of European Art, New Literary History, 1970.
0.11 Hayden White, The Narrativization of Real Events, Critical Inquiry, 1981.
0.11 Clifford Geertz, History and Anthropology, New Literary History, 1990.
0.11 Fredric Jameson, From Criticism to History, New Literary History, 1981.
0.11 Miguel Tamen, Phenomenology of the Ghost: Revision in Literary History, New Literary History, 1998.
0.11 Laurent Stern, Reply to Professor Fain, New Literary History, 1990.
0.11 Hans Robert Jauss Elizabeth Benzinger, Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory, New Literary History, 1970.
0.11 Lubomír Doležel, Possible Worlds of Fiction and History, New Literary History, 1998.
0.11 John Hope Franklin, George Washington Williams and the Beginnings of Afro-American Historiography, Critical Inquiry, 1978.
0.11 Berel Lang, Postmodernism in Philosophy: Nostalgia for the Future Waiting for the Past, New Literary History, 1986.
0.10 Michael Maranda, Facts, New Literary History, 1998.
0.10 James Elkins, Art History without Theory, Critical Inquiry, 1988.
0.10 Hayden White, Literary History: The Point of It All, New Literary History, 1970.
0.10 Robyn Wiegman, Feminism's Apocalyptic Futures, New Literary History, 2000.
0.10 Francis Berry, The Present Willed Shortening of Memory, New Literary History, 1970.
0.10 James E. Swearingen Joanne Cutting-Gray, Cooper's Pathfinder: Revising Historical Understanding, New Literary History, 1992.
0.10 Frida Gorbach Eileen Brockbank, Hysteria and History: A Meditation on Mexico, Social Text, 2007.
0.10 Christopher Fynsk, The Claim of History, Diacritics, 1992.
0.10 Steven Ungar, Against Forgetting: Notes on Revision and the Writing of History, Diacritics, 1992.
0.10 Anders Stephanson, A Brief Reply to a Reply to a Comment, Social Text, 1989.
0.10 Kurt W. Forster, Critical History of Art or Transfiguration of Values?, New Literary History, 1972.
0.10 Martin Puchner, It's Not Over ('Til It's Over), New Literary History, 2010.