world experience time life sense reality human image meaning vision present real past moment consciousness power form place myth

0.28 Margaret Church, Aldous Huxley's Attitude toward Duration, College English, 1956.
0.27 George H. Thomson, The Four Story Forms: Drama / Film / Comic Strip / Narrative, College English, 1975.
0.26 Frank Doggett, The Poet of Earth: Wallace Stevens, College English, 1961.
0.25 Robert B. Heilman, The Full Man and the Fullness Thereof, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.25 Harry Berger, Biography as Interpretation Interpretation as Biography, College English, 1966.
0.24 N. Elizabeth Monroe, The Inception of Mrs Woolf's Art, College English, 1940.
0.24 Geoffrey Marshall, Comic Worlds within Worlds, College English, 1971.
0.24 Joseph X. Brennan, The Symbolic Framework of Blake's "The Tyger", College English, 1961.
0.24 William I. Thompson, Collapsed Universe and Structured Poem: An Essay in Whiteheadian Criticism, College English, 1966.
0.23 Quentin G. Kraft, Quentin G Kraft Responds, College English, 1992.
0.23 Howard German Sharon Kaehele, The Dialectic of Time in Orlando, College English, 1962.
0.22 Mary Ellen Herx, The Monomyth in "The Great Good Place", College English, 1963.
0.22 Edgar Smith Rose, The Anatomy of Imagination, College English, 1966.
0.21 Quentin G. Kraft, The Question of Freedom in James's Fiction, College English, 1965.
0.21 George Szanto, Oppositional Way-Signs: Some Passages within John Berger's History-Making History-Unravelling Experiment, College English, 1978.
0.21 Michael M. Dorcy, Ibsen's Hedda Gabler: Tragedy as Denouement, College English, 1967.
0.20 M. Norma Hahn, Yeats's "The Wild Swans at Coole": Meaning and Structure, College English, 1961.
0.20 William H. Matchett, What and Why Is a Poem?, College English, 1966.
0.20 Frederic I. Carpenter, Wright Morris and the Territory Ahead, College English, 1959.
0.20 John F. Lynen, Three Uses of the Present: The Historian's the Critic's and Emily Dickinson's, College English, 1966.
0.20 Lawrence W. Hyman, "Detachment" or Aesthetic Distance-An Answer to Walter J Slatoff, College English, 1971.
0.20 Dayton Kohler, Time in the Modern Novel, College English, 1948.
0.20 Johanna X. K. Garvey, Difference and Continuity: The Voices of Mrs Dalloway, College English, 1991.
0.19 Charles R. Woodard, The Archetype of the Fall, College English, 1967.
0.19 Peter L. McNamara, The Multi-Faceted Blackbird and Wallace Stevens' Poetic Vision, College English, 1964.
0.19 Lauriat Lane_ Jr., Why Huckleberry Finn Is a Great World Novel, College English, 1955.
0.19 Clell T. Peterson, Comp 101: Fall Semester, College English, 1964.
0.19 Rosemary (Gates) Winslow, Troping Trauma: Conceiving (of) Experiences of Speechless Terror, JAC, 2004.
0.19 Louis H. Leiter, Sense in Nonsense: Wallace Stevens' "The Bird with the Coppery Keen Claws", College English, 1965.
0.19 Gordon Osing, Department Store TV's, College English, 1989.
0.18 Bernhardt G. Blumenthal, Comment on Warner Berthoff: "The Study of Literature", College English, 1967.
0.18 Mordecai Marcus, Melville's Bartleby as a Psychological Double, College English, 1962.
0.18 Sam Bluefarb, The Glass Menagerie: Three Visions of Time, College English, 1963.
0.18 Richard Pearce, The Limits of Realism, College English, 1970.
0.18 Joan Hartwig, The Principle of Measure in "To His Coy Mistress", College English, 1964.
0.18 William York Tindall, Many-Leveled Fiction: Virginia Woolf to Ross Lockridge, College English, 1948.
0.18 Lionel Kearns, Origins, College English, 1988.
0.18 George Levine, Realism or in Praise of Lying: Some Nineteenth Century Novels, College English, 1970.
0.18 James McNally, The Terrible Doubt of Appearances, College English, 1965.
0.18 Eugene M. Waith, The Calling of Stephen Dedalus, College English, 1957.
0.17 James W. Gargano, Poe's "Ligeia": Dream and Destruction, College English, 1962.
0.17 James E. Miller_ Jr., The Linguistic Imagination, College English, 1970.
0.17 Maxine Greene, Language Literature and the Release of Meaning, College English, 1979.
0.17 Lucille Clifton, Grandma We Are Poets, Rhetoric Review, 1990.
0.17 Charles C. Walcutt, Whitman's "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking", College English, 1949.
0.17 Walter J. Slatoff, Against Detachment, College English, 1970.
0.17 Hal W. Fulmer, A Rhetoric of Oldspeak: Mythic Elements in Presidential Inaugural Addresses 1960-1980. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1986,
0.17 Paul Hernadi, Verbal Worlds between Action and Vision: A Theory of the Modes of Poetic Discourse, College English, 1971.
0.17 Joseph P. Lucia, Reclaiming the Id, College English, 1994.
0.17 E. Miller Budick, The Feminist Discourse of Sylvia Plath's the Bell Jar, College English, 1987.
0.16 Roberts W. French, Comment on "A Woman's Map of Lyric Poetry", College English, 1974.
0.16 Allen Austin, Keats's Grecian Urn and the Truth of Eternity, College English, 1964.
0.16 James S. Baumlin, Persuasion Rogerian Rhetoric and Imaginative Play, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1987.
0.16 Ellen Kirvin Dudis, Water Babies, College English, 1978.
0.16 Kathleen E. Welch, Reply by Kathleen E Welch, College Composition and Communication, 1988.
0.16 Marvin Bell, The Sleepwalker, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.16 Roberta Hoffman Markman, The Fairy Tale: An Introduction to Literature and the Creative Process, College English, 1983.
0.16 Philip Fisher, Questions of English, College English, 1979.
0.16 Herbert Lindenberger, The Idyllic Moment: On Pastoral and Romanticism, College English, 1972.
0.16 Wilma Clark, Literature Language and Human Consciousness, College English, 1976.
0.16 Lawrence W. Hyman, Reply to Joel Magid, College English, 1973.
0.16 David A. Samuelson, The Experience of Cinderella, College English, 1976.
0.16 John K. Simon, What Are You Laughing at Darl? Madness and Humor in As I Lay Dying, College English, 1963.
0.16 Quentin G. Kraft, Against Realism: Some Thoughts on Fiction Story and Reality, College English, 1970.
0.16 Isadore Traschen, Modern Literature and Science, College English, 1964.
0.16 Samuel A. Eisenstein, Literature and Myth, College English, 1968.
0.16 R. H. Fogle, A Reading of Keats's "Eve of St Agnes", College English, 1945.
0.16 Max F. Schulz, Pop Op and Black Humor: The Aesthetics of Anxiety, College English, 1968.
0.16 Martin Scholten, The Humanism of Edwin Muir, College English, 1960.
0.16 James V. Baker, An Existential Examination of King Lear, College English, 1962.
0.16 Macklin Thomas, Analysis of the Experience in Lyric Poetry, College English, 1948.
0.16 James F. Knapp, Proteus in the Classroom: Myth and Literature Today, College English, 1973.
0.16 Tracy Thompson, Winter Form, College English, 1967.
0.15 Thom Metzger Jenny Beaven, Student Sonnets, College English, 1978.
0.15 George Knox, James's Rhetoric of "Quotes", College English, 1956.
0.15 S. H. Derbyshire, An Analysis of Mrs Woolf's to the Lighthouse, College English, 1942.
0.15 Ihab Hassan, M L A 67, College English, 1968.
0.15 Richard Harter Fogle, 1951: The Romantic Unity of "Kubla Khan", College English, 1960.
0.15 Barrett J. Mandel, The Writer Writing Is Not at Home, College Composition and Communication, 1980.
0.15 Louis G. Ceci, The Case for Syntactic Imagery, College English, 1983.
0.15 Frank H. Thompson_ Jr., Orwell's Image of the Man of Good Will, College English, 1961.
0.15 Leo Gurko, The Trespasser: D H Lawrence's Neglected Novel, College English, 1962.
0.15 Arthur R. Riel_ Jr., The Real World, College English, 1982.
0.15 Robin Magowan, A Note on Genre, College English, 1969.
0.15 Lauriat Lane_ Jr., On the Organic Structure of Walden, College English, 1960.
0.15 Leo B. Levy, What Does the Sacred Fount Mean?, College English, 1962.
0.15 Hyall Howe Waggoner, Archibald MacLeish and the Aspect of Eternity, College English, 1943.