genre genres bakhtin dialogue dialogic generic voices social rhetorical holquist voice speech rhetoric language mikhail subject words discourse dialogical

0.97 R. Allen Harris, Bakhtin Phaedrus and the Geometry of Rhetoric, Rhetoric Review, 1988.
0.25 Anis Bawarshi, The Genre Function, College English, 2000.
0.25 Amy J. Devitt, Integrating Rhetorical and Literary Theories of Genre, College English, 2000.
0.24 Kay Halasek, Starting the Dialogue: What Can We Do about Bakhtin's Ambivalence toward Rhetoric?, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1992.
0.24 James Thomas Zebroski, Mikhail Bakhtin and the Question of Rhetoric, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1992.
0.23 Frank Farmer, Voice Reprised: Three Etudes for a Dialogic Understanding, Rhetoric Review, 1995.
0.22 Amy J. Devitt, Generalizing about Genre: New Conceptions of an Old Concept, College Composition and Communication, 1993.
0.21 Helen Rothschild Ewald, Waiting for Answerability: Bakhtin and Composition Studies, College Composition and Communication, 1993.
0.19 Don Bialostosky, Bakhtin and the Future of Rhetorical Criticism: A Response to Halasek and Bernard-Donals, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1992.
0.18 J. Justin Gustainis, The Generic Criticism of Social Movement Rhetoric, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1982.
0.18 Charles I. Schuster, Mikhail Bakhtin as Rhetorical Theorist, College English, 1985.
0.18 Kay Halasek, Feminism and Bakhtin: Dialogic Reading in the Academy, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1992.
0.17 Don Bialostosky, Bakhtin's "Rough Draft": Toward a Philosophy of the Act Ethics and Composition Studies, Rhetoric Review, 1999.
0.17 James S. Measell, Whither Genre? (Or Genre Withered?), Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1976.
0.16 Jeffrey T. Nealon, The Ethics of Dialogue: Bakhtin and Levinas, College English, 1997.
0.16 Sanford Tweedie Lynn Kramer, Responses to Thomas E Recchio "A Bakhtinian Reading of Student Writing", College Composition and Communication, 1992.
0.15 Carolyn R. Miller, This Is Not an Essay, College Composition and Communication, 1996.