father mother family children child son girl young daughter part maternal pp dream sons sister fantasy boy childhood paternal

0.16 Carol J. Clover, Her Body Himself: Gender in the Slasher Film, Representations, 1987.
0.12 David Lee Miller, The Father's Witness: Patriarchal Images of Boys, Representations, 2000.
0.11 Stephen Orgel, Prospero's Wife, Representations, 1984.
0.11 Natalie Zemon Davis, Art and Society in the Gifts of Montaigne, Representations, 1985.
0.10 Jean-Joseph Goux, Language Money Father Phallus in Cyrano de Bergerac's Utopia, Representations, 1988.
0.09 Marie-Helene Huet, Living Images: Monstrosity and Representation, Representations, 1983.
0.08 Louis Adrian Montrose, "Shaping Fantasies": Figurations of Gender and Power in Elizabethan Culture, Representations, 1983.
0.08 George Dimock, Anna and the Wolf-Man: Rewriting Freud's Case History, Representations, 1995.
0.06 Michael Rogin, Kiss Me Deadly: Communism Motherhood and Cold War Movies, Representations, 1984.
0.05 Stanley Cavell, "Who Does the Wolf love?" Reading Coriolanus, Representations, 1983.
0.05 Norman Jacobson, The Strange Case of the Hobbesian Man, Representations, 1998.