social city urban class life street women london poor working home labor streets hall house rural men kingsley local

0.19 Eric Schocket, Undercover Explorations of the "Other Half" or the Writer as Class Transvestite, Representations, 1998.
0.12 Judith R. Walkowitz, Going Public: Shopping Street Harassment and Streetwalking in Late Victorian London, Representations, 1998.
0.10 Denis Hollier, Bloody Sundays, Representations, 1989.
0.09 Lila Abu-Lughod, The Interpretation of Culture(s) after Television, Representations, 1997.
0.09 Peter Stallybrass, Marx and Heterogeneity: Thinking the Lumpenproletariat, Representations, 1990.
0.08 Michael Moon, "The Gentle Boy from the Dangerous Classes": Pederasty Domesticity and Capitalism in Horatio Alger, Representations, 1987.
0.07 Thomas Laqueur, Bodies Death and Pauper Funerals, Representations, 1983.
0.07 Anna Clark, Queen Caroline and the Sexual Politics of Popular Culture in London 1820. Representations, 1990,
0.06 Laura Engelstein, Morality and the Wooden Spoon: Russian Doctors View Syphilis Social Class and Sexual Behavior 1890-1905. Representations, 1986,
0.06 Chris Waters, Representations of Everyday Life: L S Lowry and the Landscape of Memory in Postwar Britain, Representations, 1999.
0.06 Irene Gorak, Enter Beadle with Whips: Pauline Smith's The Beadle and the Afrikaner as Fetish, Representations, 1993.
0.05 Regenia Gagnier, Mediums and the Media: A Response to Judith Walkowitz, Representations, 1988.