sense word corpus disambiguation training senses semantic words data lexical context evaluation wsd results model task proceedings tag al

0.60 I. Dan Melamed Philip Resnik, Tagger Evaluation Given Hierarchical Tag Sets, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.58 Ho Lee Hae-Chang Rim Jungyun Seo, Word Sense Disambiguation Using the Classification Information Model: Experimental Results on the SENSEVAL Workshop, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.57 E. Agirre G. Rigau L. PadróJ. Atserias, Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Lexical Knowledge Methods for Word Sense Disambiguation, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.55 Paul Hawkins David Nettleton, Large Scale WSD Using Learning Applied to SENSEVAL, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.54 John Carroll Diana McCarthy, Word Sense Disambiguation Using Automatically Acquired Verbal Preferences, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.54 , Volume Information, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.53 C. de Loupy M. El-Bèze P. -F. Marteau, Using Semantic Classification Trees for WSD, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.53 Martin Chodorow Claudia Leacock George A. Miller, A Topical/Local Classifier for Word Sense Identification, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.52 Stefano Federici Simonetta Montemagni Vito Pirrelli, ROMANSEVAL: Results for Italian by SENSE, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.52 David Yarowsky, Hierarchical Decision Lists for Word Sense Disambiguation, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.51 Dekang Lin, Word Sense Disambiguation with a Similarity-Smoothed Case Library, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.51 Krister Lindén, Evaluation of Linguistic Features for Word Sense Disambiguation with Self-Organized Document Maps, Computers and the Humanities, 2004.
0.50 Changki Lee Gary Geunbae Lee Jungyun Seo, Multiple Heuristics and Their Combination for Automatic WordNet Mapping, Computers and the Humanities, 2004.
0.50 Jorn Veenstra Antal Van den Bosch Sabine Buchholz Walter Daelemans Jakub Zavrel, Memory-Based Word Sense Disambiguation, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.47 Luca Dini Vittorio Di Tomaso Frédérique Segond, GINGER II: An Example-Driven Word Sense Disambiguator, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.47 Tom O'Hara Janyce Wiebe Rebecca Bruce, Selecting Decomposable Models for Word-Sense Disambiguation: The "Grling-Sdm" System, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.47 A. Kilgarriff J. Rosenzweig, Framework and Results for English SENSEVAL, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.47 L. Alfonso Ureña-López Manuel Buenaga José M. Gómez, Integrating Linguistic Resources in TC through WSD, Computers and the Humanities, 2001.
0.46 Frédérique Segond, Framework and Results for French, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.45 Keith Suderman, Simple Word Sense Discrimination: Towards Reduced Complexity, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.43 Frédérique Segond Elisabeth Aimelet Veronika Lux Corinne Jean, Dictionary-Driven Semantic Look-Up, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.42 B. Habert C. Fabre, Elementary Dependency Trees for Identifying Corpus-Specific Semantic Classes, Computers and the Humanities, 1999.
0.40 Jeremy Ellman Ian Klincke John Tait, Word Sense Disambiguation by Information Filtering and Extraction, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.37 A. Kilgarriff M. Palmer, Introduction to the Special Issue on SENSEVAL, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.36 William A. Gale Kenneth W. Church David Yarowsky, A Method for Disambiguating Word Senses in a Large Corpus, Computers and the Humanities, 1992.
0.36 Nicoletta Calzolari Ornella Corazzari, Senseval/Romanseval: The Framework for Italian, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.34 Dan TufişAna Maria Barbu Radu Ion, Extracting Multilingual Lexicons from Parallel Corpora, Computers and the Humanities, 2004.
0.34 Emmanuel Morin Christian Jacquemin, Automatic Acquisition and Expansion of Hypernym Links, Computers and the Humanities, 2004.
0.34 Yorick Wilks, Is Word Sense Disambiguation Just One More NLP Task?, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.34 Kenneth C. Litkowski, Senseval: The CL Research Experience, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.33 Nancy Ide, Cross-Lingual Sense Determination: Can It Work?, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.32 Dominique Estival, , Computers and the Humanities, 1999.
0.31 Yorick Wilks, Senses and Texts, Computers and the Humanities, 1997.
0.30 Dilek Z. Hakkani-Tür Kemal Oflazer Gökhan Tür, Statistical Morphological Disambiguation for Agglutinative Languages, Computers and the Humanities, 2002.
0.29 Steffan Corley Martin Corley Frank Keller Matthew W. Crocker Shari Trewin, Finding Syntactic Structure in Unparsed Corpora: "The Gsearch Corpus Query System", Computers and the Humanities, 2001.
0.27 Jill Burstein Daniel Marcu, A Machine Learning Approach for Identification of Thesis and Conclusion Statements in Student Essays, Computers and the Humanities, 2003.
0.26 Ramesh Krishnamurthy Diane Nicholls, Peeling an Onion: The Lexicographer's Experience of Manual Sense-Tagging, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.22 , Front Matter, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.21 Dan-Hee Yang Ik-Hwan Lee Pascual Cantos, On the Corpus Size Needed for Compiling a Comprehensive Computational Lexicon by Automatic Lexical Acquisition, Computers and the Humanities, 2002.
0.18 Adam Kilgarriff, I Don't Believe in Word Senses, Computers and the Humanities, 1997.
0.18 Martha Palmer, Consistent Criteria for Sense Distinctions, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.16 Rosamund Moon, Lexicography and Disambiguation: The Size of the Problem, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.